IMS, Station Road, Ahmednagar (MH) – 414001
Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)
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Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)
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As per All India Council for Technical Education (Redressal of Grievance of Students) Regulations, 2019, IMS has established the Grievance Redressal Cell which attempts to address problems and complaints of students of varied nature.

Aims And Objectives Of The Cell
  • To address and resolve any type of grievances raised by the students.
In Order To Give A Constructive Suggestion Or File A Grievance
  • Students can use the suggestion boxes placed at various places at IMS; or
  • They may approach the members of the cell; or
  • They may express their grievances online by filling out the form below.

The institute assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
On receipt of an online complaint, the institution shall refer the complaint to the appropriate Grievance Redressal Committee, along with its comments within 15 days of receipt of the complaint.

The Cell
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Sr. No Appointment Order Reference Number Date of Appointment Name of the Member Role Representation Contact Number
01 GR/IMS/2022 5/1/2022 Dr. M.B. Mehta Director Director of the Institute 9822079675
02 GR/IMS/2022 5/1/2022 Dr. V. P. Barnabas Member Teaching staff of the Institute 9890937793
03 GR/IMS/2022 5/1/2022 Dr. M. P. Potdar Member Teaching staff of the Institute 9422727198
04 GR/IMS/2022 5/1/2022 Prof. Ms. G.A. Patil Co-cordinator Teaching staff of the Institute 9822545039
05 GR/IMS/2022 5/1/2022 Mr Walzade Onkar Arvind MBA I Student Associated with the Institute as MBA student ( Fresher) 9689165727
Complaint Form
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